Want to take your Instagram to the next level? Here’s some basic tips for you Flamin-Gals and Flamin-Guys to get the best pics - just like your favorite influencers and the best photographers!
Don’t stop at 1. Don’t stop at 5. Take many pictures from different angles and choose the best to post. On-set at a photoshoot a photographer might take 20, 30, 50 photos on a single pose. You don’t have to do that -- just take more than 1.
Pay attention to your shadows and light saturation. Take a trial photo and see where the darker shadows interrupt your photo. If you’ve got a huge shadow on your face, turn your body a few degrees, take a few steps back, or look towards the light. Little movements may fix your composition in a big way. And always take multiple shots!
This is huge! Good pics aren’t flat. They create tension with angles. Think in a sphere, not just 360 degrees. When you look at the world you don’t just see a flat surface. Move your camera around your subject and see where the best angles create the best tension. You might be surprised by the outcome.
Look around before you take your pics. See what’s available for a background, even if you’re going to blur it out. Pay attention to angles as well, and use this to your advantage when situating the background. Find unique, interesting, and compelling settings to take your pics. It’ll be more fun for you, too!
Almost every pic you see on instagram has been edited, either professionally or with a filter. Posting unedited images show up as bland, boring, undersaturated, and come off as amature photography. If you don’t have editing experience, filters are your best friend. Rose Gold Flamingo filters are designed by professional photographers to help you get that professional look you see on your feeds. Check them out today.
It may feel a little silly or awkward taking a bunch of photos that look the same. Don’t worry. After a little while this will seem natural to you - just part of the process of capturing your best Instagram photos. Practice makes perfect. So stick with it and watch your likes and followers increase!